Best of Gamification
Everyone likes a good game. Here are some examples of recent projects.
Novartis - iSee
Want to sit in the boss chair for once? This is now possible for every member of pharmaceuticals company Novartis – thanks to our business simulation game “iSee” .
Players make decisions about initiatives and business units, meet stakeholder demands and respond to events such as – surprise – a pandemic. At the same time, they must consider the impact of their decisions on economic, social, and governmental factors. Only those who take all areas into account can score big. In the leaderboard every one can check how they have performed compared to their peers.
OKR Game
The task: introduce “Objectives and Key Results” (OKR) to every executive of the national branch of a global bank – and make sure it sticks.
The solution: a gamified solution users can be played both physically and virtually in order to explore, test and apply the concept. The game, however, is not a purely competitive one. Only if players develop OKRs collaboratively, they stand a chance to make it till the end.

Swisscom - Quizcom
On behalf of Swisscom, Switzerland’s number one telecommunications company, Zense launched the digital quiz application “Quizcom” (can there BE a better name?). The goal: infuse Swisscom’s corporate strategy into the depths of the organisation – and make sure it sticks.
The kicker: multiplayer! You do not only get to to play with your colleagues but can also challenge the Chair Woman herself, the hot canteen chef and even that mofo who stole your promotion. Also, we went all in when it came to creating depth: there are over a thousand questions, and almost all of them have got their own visual. Oh, and have not even mentioned the minigames yet …

Johann Jacobs Museum - Uiivit
Our biggest – and strangest – project to date. On behalf of the Johann Jacobs Museum, we developed the educational game “uiivit” on the topic of entangled history: a modular, digital and playful experience for children and people with a peter/petra pan complex 🙂
The goal: grant access to educational content in an innovative way and reframe serious content playfully. The starting point of the game are real objects from the museum, where users can see, smell, and touch them. In the game the objects become nodes of complex connections in time and space.
In addition to the game, Zense has designed teaching materials for classroom discussions various media for promotion purposes, such as trailers, social media materials and print products.
“uiivit” won the DigAMus Award (digital offerings of museums) in the category Apps & Games in 2021!
Project Venice
Does your team work together optimally? If that is not always the case, “Project Venice” might be just the thing for you.
Together with our friends from Gamesolution, a boutique agency that focuses on analogue gamification, we have developed a game that helps players reflect and improve upon their teamwork skills.
“Project Venice” is a digital board game, where up to 12 players can play simultaneously. The goal is to collect as a team as many treasures as possible in the catacombs of Venice. The players take turns and use a conference call tool such as Zoom, Skype, or Teams in order to discuss their next steps. And of course, only teamwork leads to the ideal result.
Swatch - Nessie
Swatch is moving! To inform all the employees where smoking is allowed, where the toilets are hidden and where the printer has found its new home, a game was developed: A digital house rules game for the pocket.
The aim of the game was to answer as many questions as possible within a given time. Each correct answer earns points and determines the position in the company-wide ranking.
It is a mobile-first designed single-player web application without login.
The Customer Experience Management card game for BLS sends BLS employees on a journey as potential customers of BLS. They take the place of a predefined role and can use track cards to map out their own path to the destination. The goal is to better understand the different needs of the customers.

ZKB - Blauweiss
Zense supported Zürcher Kantonalbank in its strategy communication and took employees on a wild journey through the history of ZKB. A video series explained the ZKB business model and showed employees the way to the future of their company.
The real centerpiece of the campaign was a quiz app. A digital colosseum for the intellectual trial of strength, where all employees, from the CEO to the intern, could duel and prove their knowledge about ZKB and the new strategy.
The native mobile application included quiz duels, a training mode, mini games, and a leaderboard.

Children's Hospital of Eastern Switzerland - Datosphere
How do you explain the dangers of the Internet to children and young people? How do you show them that every action on the Internet leaves traces? By allowing them to slip into the role of the big data-collecting corporations themselves.
The board game for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Switzerland is dedicated to weighing up personal gain against the price of passing on data. After all, for children and young people, digital and Internet-based applications are part of everyday life and sometimes help them make friends and gain social status.
On their journey on the playing field, the players answer questions, engage in negotiations, or must solve other problems from the corporate or consumer perspective.

Uniper - Advent calendar
Uniper was looking for a playful and entertaining way to refresh employees’ knowledge of strategy content in the hectic pre-Christmas period.
How about a digital advent calendar?
Each door offered employees a new challenge. After completing a task successfully, a Christmas knowledge companion (lovingly animated characters) could be collected and added to an overall picture at the end. This also formed the invitation card to the actual competition.
In addition to the calendar, the web application for mobile and desktop also included a “Jumping Santa” mini game to pass the time.
Micarna – Mazubi Island
Micarna offers 18 different apprenticeships – unfortunately, only a few people were aware of this. Therefore, the image and employer branding campaign “Mazubi Island” was launched. The world of “Mazubi Island” was brought closer to the future and current apprentices by means of various media, including a pocket map, a stress ball, a movie trailer and a native mobile game.
The mobile game – a jump ‘n’ run, in which one competes in one level per apprenticeship and can unlock trading cards for each profession – made it possible to get to know the different apprenticeship professions in a playful way.
“Mazubi Island” was awarded the bronze award in the category “Games” by an expert jury at the “Best of Swiss Apps” award out of 200 submissions and 46 nominated apps!

ZKB - Ladder game
A classic ladder game takes employees of the Zurich Cantonal Bank to the summit of omniscience. The focus is on performance and development. Along the way, questions must be answered, estimates submitted and, depending on the luck of the dice, a coffee brought to the whole round.

Agogis is a provider of education and training in the social sector and needed a solution to convey contents on the topic of business administration in a one-day workshop in various diploma courses. The subject of business administration is dealt with using Agogis’ own business model (entrepreneurship, budgeting, finances, etc.). We have developed a board game for this purpose, which leads through the areas of residential facilities, workshops and day care centers and shows what effects a change in one area has on the economic conditions in other areas.